Essential keyboard sortcuts

Essential Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows Users

The world is full and fully in digital today, and efficiency plays a key role. Navigating through your computer system in no time will save you a lot of precious time and make you more productive. There is a list here containing essential keyboard shortcuts one must know about as a Windows user. These shortcuts will make your workflow smoother either when working on documents, managing files, or switching between applications.

  1. Copy & Paste


CTRL + C ⇒ Copies selected text or item.

CTRL + V ⇒ Pastes the copied text or item.

The copy-paste feature is one of the most essential functions in using a computer to its fullest potential. Utilize the following shortcuts to copy text, images, or files in a jiffy without having to depend on your mouse. You save both your time and effort by using these copy-paste shortcut.

  1. Switch Between Applications


ALT + TAB ⇒ Switches between open applications.

It navigates through several opened applications that are really inconvenient, particularly if many windows need to be handled. This shortcut will simply help you jump between all of them and will not disturb your workflow unnecessarily.

  1. Show Desktop


Windows Key + D ⇒ Minimizes all opened windows and turns out to the desktop.

Need to see your desktop immediately? This shortcut minimizes all open windows and puts your desktop in view. This is very handy when you need to look for a specific file or shortcut without needing to minimize each and every running program one at a time.

Boost your productivity and enhance your workflow by learning these kinds of additional features i.e, Shortcuts, Excel VBA course and some advanced technology.

  1. Undo & Redo


CTRL + Z ⇒ Undo the last action.

CTRL + Y ⇒ Redo the last action.

Mistakes are made, and with these shortcuts, you can easily undo any changes that you might not want. Whether you delete text by mistake or change a formatting option, a quick mash of these keys can undo your action, making it easier to correct errors.

  1. Create New Folder


CTRL + SHIFT + N ⇒ Creates a new folder in Windows File Explorer.

You organize your files, don’t you? Of course. You know what I prefer? Open the Windows File Explorer, right-click, select “New Folder.” No, I don’t! Use this shortcut to instantly create a new folder anywhere you are within Windows File Explorer. Keep your files organized with minimal effort!

  1. Open My Computer


Windows + E ⇒ To Open My computer

Ever need to find some files quickly? Just press Windows + E and File Explorer will pop open, opening the “This PC” screen where you can peruse all your documents, downloads, and more. Good to use when you need to quickly get to files on your hard drive or external storage

  1. Opens Run Dialog Box


Windows + R ⇒ To Open Run Dialog Box

The Windows + R key opens up the Run dialog box, from where you can run applications, folders, documents, or even open websites by merely typing in the command. The most common commands are cmd to open the Command Prompt or msconfig to open System Configuration.

  1. Opens Settings App


Windows + I ⇒ To open Settings App

You never made it that easy to change settings regarding your system. You can open the windows Settings app from where you manage everything, updates up to network settings using a simple shortcut of pressing Windows + I. Use this shortcut when you need to quickly alter Wi-Fi settings, modify display settings, etc

  1. Opens Snipping Tool


Windows + Shift + S ⇒ To open snipping Tool

Need to capture a screenshot? Click Windows + Shift + S to open the Snipping Tool. This tool allows you to take a quick screenshot of a selected area, window, or the entire screen. Once you snip an area, the image is automatically copied to your clipboard for easy pasting into a document or an image editor.

  1. Lock Screen


Windows + L ⇒ To Lock screen

Gone for a few minutes? Windows + L locks your screen on the spot, protecting your system while you are away. Install it when you leave your computer and don’t want to leave someone free access to your files.

  1. Closes Current Window


Alt + F4 ⇒ Closes the current Window

Instead of closing windows with the mouse, you can hit Alt + F4 to close the active window or application. You’ll be astonished at how much time it saves! If nothing is open, this key brings up your computer’s shutdown options.


These keyboard shortcuts can be applied in your everyday activity to greatly improve your productivity and make your computing experience enjoyable. Start using the tips for today and see how your efficiency will go up!

But before you go, check out some useful productivity tips and tricks. Make sure to follow Gineesoft Solutions blog for future posts!

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